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Five Books for the Bibliophile in Your Life

For the Science-Fiction Fan:

The City We Became by N.K Jemisin: 

This sci-fi thriller takes a unique twist on the issue of gentrification. Anyone who lives in a major city, knows how damaging gentrification can be to the heart and soul of a community. N.K Jemisin takes the reader on an epic tale through New York City while also allowing readers to see gentrification for what it truly is. It’s also like a love story to New York, and especially during this past year it makes you feel hopeful that we will endure. 

For those Missing Our Former President

A Promised Land by Former President Barack Obama: 

In his long-awaited memoir, we will finally have a chance to hear from Barack himself about his tenure in the White House. During this difficult election season, this book might just be the balm that we have all been waiting for. 

For the Naturalista in your Life:

Twisted by Emma Dabiri: 

Twisted takes us on a journey of Black hair culture not just in America, but in Ireland where the author grew up as a child of mixed-race. It’s an eye-opening read for those who are not familiar with Black hair culture, and for those of us who are it reminds us that our hair is more than just skin deep. 

For the Feminist:

White Tear/Brown Scars by Ruby Hamad:

This book is perfect for anyone who calls themselves a feminist whether they are Black or white. Ruby Hamad is a writer of Arab descent living in Australia. Her book takes us through a journey of understanding how modern-day feminism does not consider that race and gender intersect. And how feminism often silences the voices of women of color. It’s a wonderful read, and I highly recommend you pick up two copies of this book, because you need to read it!

For the Culture Critic:

This is Major by Shayla Lawson:

This is Major takes us on a cultural journey through the eyes of the author as she navigates being a Black woman in a white world. It will make you laugh and make you think at the same time. Despite what people like to believe, culture does not move without Black culture and This is Major helps us to remember that.  

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